Annotated bibliography

3 online sources

Baroque art, an introduction

This source will help me understand the baroque art in comparing the arts that I have selected. This is useful for me to understand the topic that I chose.

This source will help me understand Gian Lorenzo Bernini and who/what did he do as an Italian sculpture related to the Baroque. This will also show me what other artworks are at the museum that I could come and look at.

This source will help me get addition information about Gian Lorenzo Bernini and the artworks that he has accomplished. It gives a Biography and styles with techniques that he uses for the art.


2 articles

This source explains his artwork and where it could be found. The magazine also has some time periods that could help me understand why he made these artworks that I have selected.


This source will show me the artworks that I could choose from and use for my topic.




MET Museum

My experience at the MET museum was very exciting because its the second time I went for an art class. The museum was big and the lobby was filled with people. I first went to buy the ticket and give whatever donation to the museum and went ahead to see the art that was assigned for me to look at. The art that I was looking at was Pieter Coecke van Aelst’s painting, The Last Supper: Image result for met museum renaissance art

The painting was pretty colorful and shows a picture of gods having dinner at the table. The painting with the people in the middle look like there was a fight at the dinner table and it was relatable to us having fight on the dinner table if we discuss politics or religion.

The differences between the Renaissance art and Baroque art is that the Renaissance display religious figures and bright colorful paintings while the Baroque shows shading like chiaroscuro. Baroque paintings are heavy shaded and the lightness and darkness makes the painting feel alive like you are actually there to watch. The Renaissance painting displays colorfulness and making you just look at what is going that makes you continue to think of what is going on.

Unit 1 Summary

Unit one was about Formal Analysis and Paolo Friere, Born in Recife, Brazil and was a person in poverty. Paolo studied about law but never practiced it and worked as a professor in many universities. He was also imprisoned and exile during the military coup in Brazil. Paolo published Pedagogy of the Oppressed by 1968 and explains about the banking model, students are depositories and the teacher being the depositor. The banking model explains the communication and knowledge being given by inventions of re-invention through education. It was a concept to send out education to the students being taught by the teacher who teaches it. John Dewey, who believed the opposite way of how education is being taught. He believed education is not the correct way to prepare yourself in life. I understand it from that point of view because you can also understand something if you physically do it and education doesn’t teach everything you need to know in life. The schools don’t teaches you how to file taxes and fill out application, which is essential in life because as a grown up you need to know how to do these things by yourself. John Dewey also believe there should be a meaningful experience in learning through education to not fail from his or her mistakes on success.

Final paper

Anthony Wu

Prof. Gwendolyn Shaw

Art 1010


Gian Lorenzo Bernini was an Italian sculptor and was well known for his sculptures In Italy. Gian Lorenzo Bernini was born in Naples and his own type of technique. He created the Baroque technique on his sculptors and many sculptors would follow or use this technique during this time period. He created a well known sculpture, which is Apollo and Daphne. Apollo and Daphne had a story within the sculpture and made a lot of people think of what is going. The sculptures that Bernini has made gives it a moving feeling to it. It’s like the sculpture is moving when you are walking around it. The Faun Teased by Children sculpture has a interesting and mysterious story. The creation and technique was essential in creating “The Faun Teased by Children” to become a fascinating art work in today’s’ period.

The Bacchanal: A Faun Teased by Children sculpture displays a man and three babies. The babies looks like cupids and other angelic child descendant from the religious catholic church. The man seems to be holding on the top of the tree. The tree is similar to the Apollo and Daphne sculpture. At first glance, I thought this was a continuous of the Apollo and Daphne sculpture story but they are separate. It has a similar resemblances to Apollo and Daphne because I thought the man was Apollo and Daphne was the tree. Also thought the cupids were the ones protecting Daphne from Apollo after she became a tree and hide from Apollo. I thought the cupids were pushing Apollo away from Daphne being the tree. Daphne’s father probably told the Cupids to watch over Daphne after she became a tree. This was my observation at first until I read the description of the sculpture. The sculpture had a different story than Apollo and Daphne by the same sculptor. Benini seems to sculpt people from greek gods or religious beliefs. Most of the stories about his sculptures would display a story or an imagination for the people looking at his art to think about. His sculptures shows a little movement within the structure because you can look at all of the points of view from any standings. His sculptures wants you to walk around and look at the sculptures on its significance details.

The man in the sculpture shows a follower of Bacchus. Bacchus was a god of wine and it shows one of the follower reaching to the tree. The trees show grapes on them and the Cupids or angels stopping him. It makes sense that the man was trying to get the grapes because wine is made out of dry grapes. The man was possibly trying to harvest the grapes and make wine out of it. He would return to Bacchus with a fresh bunch of wine from the grapes he picked earlier. The cupids tries to push him back and prevents him from getting the grapes. The sculpture also shows the same cupid pushing the man but the cupid next it is trying to resist. This could depict that both cupids are in differents sides or playing around with the man. It might also resemble the other cupids being a fallen angel and the other one being a good angel and pushing the fallen drunken man to stop. The sculpture may also show that the cupids are trying to the save the man life by stopping him from picking grapes and making wine out of it. I think the cupids are trying to tell the man that wine or any source of alcohol is bad for you. As a human being, drinking is bad for your health and people drinking is always natural because they drink traditional and maybe after their shift from work to get a drink. At the bottom of the sculpture shows a cupid at the bottom of his feet with a scared face that could mean the power of wine can lead to that face or it makes the cupid feel horrid. The Baroque technique displays a lot of details from different sides of the sculpture. His sculpture has that amazing motion that produce the drama more effectively than the other sculptures during the time period like Michelangelo. The Baroque technique was mostly used in Catholic churches because its shows divine and enlightenment feeling to the art or sculpture. I remember during the trip to MET, the painting that shows Mary carrying Baby Jesus. The painting shows Baroque technique making it look more realistic and in front of you like Bacchanal: A Faun Teased by Children.

I believe that this sculpture is great piece of art for today’s society because drinking is really bad habit and a lot of us drink for our relief and happiness. Drinking is a natural thing for people to do cultural but you can overdose from drinking. Drinking a lot can give side effects and shorten life. Drinking wine or alcohol means you are drinking to your death. I remember Socrates, a philosopher who liked to drink wine and other alcohol substances was killed from drinking poison. This shows that he loved to drink and didn’t look at what he was going to drink. This led to his death and it means you should drink responsibly instead of frequently. The sculpture model look very inspiring to most sculptor because the man in Bernini’s sculpture shows what superior man would look. A superior man would have a six-pack and would give eye contact to what’s in front of them. The six-pack shows a healthy man and strong strength during the 1600’s. In today’s society a six-pack would mean that person is fit and shows strength. Giving eye contact in Italy would depict the person is focus on what is in front of them like a problem that needs a situation to be solved. Eye contact in today’s society would show the person is respecting you and giving you attention. Bernini’s sculpture is like an influence to today’s society with a unique position with his sculptures.


Write up your story: What we mean when we say art? What is art to you? How does it fit in to your life? What do you want to learn about in this class?

My art story is that I haven’t taken an art history before and I started to learn what art was under the lectures that our professor has taught us. Most of my art knowledge is from school and it’s mostly about making art and not learning about the art work like in this class. In unit one, I learned that formal analysis is a technique used to help us understand the artwork of the author. I learned to not the judge the artwork but to embrace the art because we all have different views about art and we may have similar opinions about it. Art is a lifestyle to almost everyone because we see art everywhere from street art to art in the museum. Art gives a nice vibe when you look at some of them because they are colorful and the gesture in the artwork gives a mood for us. Art fits in my life because I see art everywhere and sometimes I would stop by and took a long look at it to understand what’s being display. Sometimes it can boost my mind because I can imagine what’s happening about it. In this class, I want learn about art expression in art history about art related to the art in the past to modern art. I may still be learning about art but I’m going to understand a lot of artworks by the end of this semester. I also want to learn how the artist decides to produce their work and what gave them the idea to finalize it.

Formal Analysis

A Formal analysis is a method that we use to describe a person’s art. For example we observed the artwork from our point of view and not from the artist. A formal analysis uses color, patterns, shape, tone and the lines in the artists artwork. The color in a formal analysis is like the artworks shading. Chiaroscuro (light and dark), bright colors to show the tone of the setting in the scenery. We the person looking at a piece of artwork should try to analyze what the message that the artist tries to display. We all have our opinions because we can see the artwork differently from person to person. We use our judgement to understand what the artwork is trying give out to us. For example, the video that we watched in class explain how to do a formal analysis on one of Goya artwork. The person describing the artwork shows each step of how he/she sees the work and giving their opinions and judgement.