My Art Story

What is Art?

For a long time whenever I would hear the word Art the first thing that came to my mind was Drawings, paintings, sculptures, things I would do in my art classes at school. I later learned that Art is much more than that, it’s a way to express yourself and it can be found everywhere like for example architecture. Since I was little I enjoyed drawing and seeing how the use of different colors and shades could make things pop. Another form of art I enjoy and is part of my daily life is music. I express myself through the various music I listen too. While taking this class I would like to learn more about art in general, its vocabulary, techniques, its origins and how it has impacted it history.

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My Art Story

I think of art as a way of expressing yourself to the world. Art can release a person’s true feelings, without any words coming out of their mouths. Art can also be used as a very successful therapy technique where clients can draw or paint their emotions instead of talking about them.

On a broad level, art to me is creativity and uniqueness. There are no two paintings that are exactly the same or have the same meaning. It is inconceivable to see all the different types and genres of art. On a personal level, the art I prefer is music. Performing arts is the kind of art I listen to daily. Whether I need to focus and drown other people out or listen to a genre of music based on what I am feeling, I will just plug in my earphones and listen to music. Plus, it is a method of expression. Typically, people will listen to a specific type of genre based on how their feeling or who they are as a person.

What I would like to gain from this art class is an in-depth analysis of paintings. I am extremely interested in why painters painted a work of art and what they were feeling at the time. Additionally, I would love to compare art from past to present day to see the major or minor differences between them. Overall, I am exceedingly enthusiastic to begin learning the types of art that are included in different cultures.


An Art Story

How does one define art? It’s not safe to assume that everyone has the same concrete definition of something that is so expansive and subjective. According to, every English major’s best friend (alongside, the definition of art is:

  1. the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.

Looking it up might have been cheating, but while this definition holds intellectual substantiality and is transcendent, anyone can take a step back and criticize it. Dismay it even. My definition of art can differ drastically so from my neighbors definition. Who’s to say that art has to be beautiful, or hold a “more than ordinary significance”?

If I were to pigeonhole the definition of art, I would define it as a physical expression from the self. However, what this physical expression manifest’s itself into is the trickier (but best) part.

Art has always been a book in my lap and the touch of pen to paper, turning words into life. It is the only way I knew how to immerse myself in art at a young age, and the art that taught me that expression can be cathartic and inspirational.     As I grew older, I learned that I could immerse myself in art through what I wore and how I decorated my spaces. Reading, writing and expressing who I am through clothing and surrounding myself with Monet and Klimt and Van Gogh paintings. Through these expressions of art, I find that I not only understand life better through the eye of others but that I learn to understand myself better as well.

What I hope to gain from this class is a new definition of art and to have more of an intellectual grasping of artistic terms that help me understand important underlying meanings of artwork that I might’ve missed otherwise.

Post 2: My Art Story

Some people believe art is just a painting or a drawing, others believe it’s music and the way music influences you and some people believe art is just subjective to what someone might find beautiful and that’s subjective in it’s own way too.

Art to me is how I define beauty. This means I find anime, music, paintings, nature and creative works to be a piece of art. Anime can be art if the writers and anime collaborate to mix the music and setting perfectly, music can be art with the way it influences my emotion, paintings are art to me when they have bright colors or have some hidden meaning behind and image, nature to me is the most beautiful art because it can’t be replicated and is the exact standard of what man first called beauty.

In this class I would like to focus on different forms of art than the ones listed. I want to know the history of Art and why certain artists chose their respective art forms.

This is my favorite piece of art, This was from the show Naruto Shippuden. People might not find this to be art, however I do. The way the animator draws the 2 opposing characters as they witnessed tragedy to become the same but separated. The eye change shows the severity of the emotional pain, that’s why it’s my favorite piece of art.

Image result for kakashi hatake and obito unlocks sharingan gif