Well…my definition for art is basically like a stress-relief.
As a artist, I think it helps with forming a personality and expressing creativity. It could be a sanctuary on just expressing words you can’t put onto paper. Sometimes people just couldn’t say what they’re feeling. In my opinion, you could really put your feelings into your artwork. It’s like a little safe place. Maybe at most times, you might have art block; unable to put your thoughts onto art. However, it could simply be that you haven’t found the right words or right feelings? Well, art could also simply be a hobby or activity to pass the time. Art varies in many ways and I think it really helps as a defining feature of creativity to bring out a voice which should be heard within art. Imagination, thought and creativity helps bring out the individuality of a person and makes them different from everyone else which is a positive thing because individuality often helps enable the world to be interesting.