Formal analysis is how we can examine and understand art to the smallest details by seeing how the artist used their techniques to create their works. Using formal analysis involves things such as the composition, lines, color, and texture. Using these characteristics many artist use them to help us paint our own picture of what the artist is conveying. We see in todays world how advertisements use formal and contextual analysis to the fullest with how they want us to decipher their message. We see to this day how the color, scale, and composition makes us perceive works of art and define it in our own way. We as well use formal analysis when it comes to performance art from the movement, gestures, and sounds that the artist uses. Formal analysis helps us break down works and brings us to our own understandings of things from the theater to sculptures and to advertisements we see everyday.
Author: Michael Mamiye
Blog post 3: Pedagogy and power
Paulo Frier was a Brazilian educator who brought this concept to many people of Critical pedagogy. He introduced the system in which teachers spoke and deposited information into the students which should then be spit right back out making them into basically robots. This proposal was brought in during a failing education system in the region. The system he introduced and popularized was giving the teachers all the power to push whatever information they wanted to in their students brains and forced them to memorize and repeat whatever they were teaching, not giving the students the time to process the information and say how they think or give their own opinions and questions on it. The process would not let the students thrive in their own ways and would put them all apart of a system that doesn’t let the students have their own way of thinking.
My experience of this system from teachers i’ve had been at a minimal. In a way teachers i have had pushed information at times throughout my years of schooling but we were encouraged to have open discussions about our thoughts on many topics so we were able to process all the information and give our take on it. This system has overall been away from how teachers have taught me over the years. Learning the way i have helped me become independent in my thoughts and ways of processing information and being able to question the information i had curiosity about.
My art story
Art for me is a way that anyone can express their feelings and bring it to life. The smallest things can define how an artist is trying to convey the message they’re trying to portray such as the colors they use, and environment around their work. Art says more to me than words on a page as i can place myself into different types of art and express myself more naturally, even through others works. Art is a big of me and my family as we have many paintings around our house and office that defines all of us in our own ways.
Bringing feelings to life helps many in the same way that others use writing as their way to express themselves. Art has been around for thousands of years and it has helped us define how we see many cultures from the Egyptians to the Romans. Music has helped me as well as many others throughout life as it helps define the state that people go through and helps people express themselves to bring out things they didn’t even know were inside of them.
I hope to take from this class the ways that art defined cultures and shaped the way we see how people lived. People make their works from the world we live in today and i’m looking forward to learn more on how it’s being used in everyday life.
Posting a blog
Posting a blog for the first can be challenging but these simple 5 steps will make sure you never struggle with it again.
Step 1: Go onto the commons page and log into your account.
Step 2: Go to the title ” Art fall 2018 11am” and click on site.
Step 3: Once on the site you will see the word “new” on the top of the page, you will go to that and then click “post”.
Step 4: From there you can change the type of format, text, and even add media to the post.
Step 5: Once you are ready to post you click the publish button on the right side of the page.
Now you’re all set to go for whenever you want to post.