My art story

Art for me is a way that anyone can express their feelings and bring it to life. The smallest things can define how an artist is trying to convey the message they’re trying to portray such as the colors they use, and environment around their work. Art says more to me than words on a page as i can place myself into different types of art and express myself more naturally, even through others works. Art is a big of me and my family as we have many paintings around our house and office that defines all of us in our own ways.

Bringing feelings to life helps many in the same way that others use writing as their way to express themselves. Art has been around for thousands of years and it has helped us define how we see many cultures from the Egyptians to the Romans. Music has helped me as well as many others throughout life as it helps define the state that people go through and helps people express themselves to bring out things they didn’t even know were inside of them.

I hope to take from this class the ways that art defined cultures and shaped the way we see how people lived. People make their works from the world we live in today and i’m looking forward to learn more on how it’s being used in everyday life.

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