The banking model to Friere is the idea that what a teacher says is processed in the student’s mind, which is how the student learns. This model empowers the teachers because they have so much authority that they can literally tell lies to the the student, and the student has to believe this. It disempowers students by making them ‘mindless’ students that listen blindly to the teachers. This model empowers teachers and disempowers students at the student’s expense by making them almost like robots that follow orders without hesitation. I personally do not have any experience with this model because my teachers have always been more flexible and willing to learn from us as well
Author: Erica Sinacore
Blog Post 2: My Art Story
Write up your art story: What is art to you? How does it fit in to your life? What do you want to learn about in this class?
When most people think of art, they think of paintings and drawings. Most people consider art to be the creation of an image through the use of physical instruments, such as a paintbrush or a marker.
To me, art is an expression of creativity. To me, art is more than just drawing and painting. It can be photography and even writing. Photography is the art of snapshots and drawing with light. I know this from personal experience, having taken photography courses in Middle School.
Writing novels can also be an art. You have to select the right words to ‘paint an image’ in the readers’ minds. Writing ‘the house is yellow’ is like using a standard yellow paint while saying ‘the house was the color of a ripe sunflower engulfed in sunlight’ is like mixing yellow paint with a touch of orange to make it a more unique color. Art in my life is my creativity. It is the way in which I write a fictional story.
This is why I’d rather learn about artists who push the boundaries of what art actually is than learn about artists like Leonardo da Vinci. I’d be more interested in learning about artists like Willem de Kooning than artists like Vincent Van Gogh. I’d rather learn about flexible artists because my concept of art is flexible too.
Blog Post 1: How to Make a Post
You must create an account and activate it via email before you are able to post. Assuming these steps are completed, these are the steps to making a post:
Step 1) Log onto your account
Step 2) Click on the “Sites” tab and select a specific site (i.e. Fall 2018 Art 1010 at Brooklyn College)
Step 3) Add yourself to the site (via a button on the left side of the screen that says “Add Me”)
Step 4) Click on the “+New” button on the top of the screen.
Step 5) Write a title and beginning filling in the body as well.
Step 6) Select a category and add a tag (on the right side of the screen). At this time, you can also add attachments, if you’d like.
Step 7: Hit the blue “Publish” button on the right when you are done.