Blog Post 1: How to Make a Post

You must create an account and activate it via email before you are able to post. Assuming these steps are completed, these are the steps to making a post:

Step 1) Log onto your account

Step 2) Click on the “Sites” tab and select a specific site (i.e. Fall 2018 Art 1010 at Brooklyn College)

Step 3) Add yourself to the site (via a button on the left side of the screen that says “Add Me”)

Step 4) Click on the “+New” button on the top of the screen.

Step 5) Write a title and beginning filling in the body as well.

Step 6) Select a category and add a tag (on the right side of the screen). At this time, you can also add attachments, if you’d like.

Step 7: Hit the blue “Publish” button on the right when you are done.

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