The first painting is called “Master of Saint Augustine”. It shows a congregation of people around a powerful Christian figure( I think the pope). This image has very strong colors. The painter uses lighting to show show and focus everyone eyes into the the center, which hosts the Saint Augustine. Not only does the human eye naturally focus to the middle, but also the painting tricks our mind to see space as well. We can draw a 3D image in our head about how the real scene took place. The gold in the painting around Augustine shows how much of a heavenly figure he is. It makes him look above the average human. A being of all righteousness. The second painting is a painting of Saint Jerome. It also has strong colors. Again lighting is used to direct the people at his face. With Saint Jerome reads a book it shows that he was intelligent because most people could never read. They highlight the differences between the Renaissance the the Baroque because they focus on 2 different topics. The baroque art depicts a religious focused painting, showing that in those times they were focused on religious righteousness. However, Saint Jerome is a good representation of the Renaissance because it showed how people were more focused on education.