Final Background and Outline

In my final project I will be looking at: ancient Egyptian, Greek/Roman, 19th and 20th-century art and see how art evolved all the way from ancient Egypt to the 19th- 20th century. Some things I liked to explore are what impacted these paintings and how they are different as time progresses and from different civilizations. 

Each work highlight different time periods I want to explore to show how different the art is either based on civilizations, cultures, or movements.

The five paintings I will be using are:

Campbell’s Soup Cans

by Andy Warhol


The Museum of Modern Art

The Brooklyn Museum

Did The Bear Sit Under a Tree

 by Benny Andrews


” Starry Night”

by Vincent Van Gogh

Museum of Modern Art

June 1889


700-480 BCE

Metropolitan Museum of Art


The Brooklyn Museum

The Head of a Queen

1400 BCE



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