Aside from doodling random sketches of Spiderman and other superheroes in class since elementary school, art has always been an intrinsic passion of mine ever since I was introduced to comic books in 1st grade. I vividly remember the nights when I used to stay after my bedtime to read a stack of comics. As I read them, I remember that I was captivated by the illustrations and the details. Sometimes, I would re-read them as an excuse to look at the illustrations again; they were perfect. My imagination and creativity has definitely increased after my years of reading comics. The illustrations has opened a world of creativity I thought I would have never had. My drawing hobby slowly manifested throughout my childhood and I still love drawing during my free time.
Art, the word itself, can have a range of sub-categories. It is very hard to define it. First, it can describe the history of a certain piece. It can describe the culture of a piece. It can be in the form of lyrics (music), poetry, and literature. Or it can be totally different such as fashion and beautiful mathematical expressions such as the golden ratio. All of these sub-catergories have overlaps such that art is a form of expression through creativity or imagination.
Personally, I would love to explore surrealism in the 1900s. My favorite piece is by Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory. His works are just so bizarre and pleasing to look at. Anytime I look at his work, my mind gets convoluted with random thoughts and sometimes I get anxious!