Blog Post #2: My Art Story

When we say art, we mean multiple things. We mean history, expression, and culture. Art is apart of our everyday lives whether we realize it or not. When we speak about art, we can speak about the powerful impact it has had in our past as well as our present. A discussion about art can be inexhaustible because of how vast and significant it is.

Art to me is a form of expression and therapy. I think every type of art can help people in their life. Whether it is writing, painting, drawing, creating fashion, music, and even reading. It can be relaxing and even a way of releasing a lot of emotions that aren’t so easy to express verbally. Art is also a form of education. The world is full fascinating history and we are able to know so many of these significant time periods and historical events through paintings and writing. These works of art allow history to come alive for us.

Art plays a big part in my life. I have always struggled with anxiety and expressing myself and art has always helped me with that. I have always taken comfort in writing, reading, and fashion. These forms of art have always been my own personal  form of therapy and they are incorporated in my everyday life.

I am really interested in learning about the renaissance era, the enlightenment era, and how religion played a role in a lot of the artwork that was seen during these time periods. I feel as though the art during these era’s represented a lot of the ideals that they believed in. I also feel as though they were even more unique and beautiful during these periods.

Image result for blue renaissance art

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