Blog Post 2: My Art Story

Art, to me, is anything that can illicit an emotional reaction. It can be in the traditional sense such as visual art or in literature, or  film, or music etc. However I think art can be found anywhere and made by anyone. To try and define art restricts it by nature. Art is arguably the most subjective field, leaving everyone with their own definition or what they consider to be art.

Art is everywhere in my life, you can find it anywhere under the right lens and certain level of appreciation for the ordinary. I find personally that music and poetry, those two specific kinds of art, move me the most. A few of my favorite artists are Jean-Michel Basquait, Piet Mondrian, Andy Warhol, Virginia Woolf, Ernest Hemingway, and Ron Padgett. Though art can also be walking into a subway station at the perfect time right as when the train is pulling into the station. The beauty of art is how it can show itself at the most unsuspecting times and comes in so many forms.

In this class I’m not looking to learn about any specific field or discipline. I would just like to have a deeper appreciation for art which, of course, comes with a greater knowledge of the subject.

This painting is titled: Broadway Boogie Woogie. It was painted by Piet Mondrian in 1943. It is my favorite painting and can be found at MoMA

Blog Post 1: How to Post.

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