Formal Analysis

Formal analysis is not only describing the art but also showing and understanding what the artist is trying to convey, visually. Everybody has different ways of looking at things so our own interpretation of art will have a play in what we think it means. When focusing on formal analysis, there are some characteristics we use: color, line, space and mass, scale. We also look at the composition of the art. Composition means how the artist combines all these factors in their work of art.

We can also use subject matter to describe what is happening in the work of art. The subject matter shows us what the artist is trying to tell the audience and what message they want to send. Another component is the historical context. Historical context is the historical background of an artwork. It relates to the things that happen during the time the art was made. It serves to give us a better understanding of the art and show why the artist decided to make this artwork.

Pedagogy and Power

Paulo Freire uses the term Banking Model to criticize the traditional way of teaching and education. He describes it as teachers simply passing on an idea to the students. The teachers talk and lecture while the students are quiet and receive the information. He referred to the students as “containers” that teachers put knowledge into. It empowers the teachers at the students expense. It shows that the teacher is the one more experienced and has all the knowledge on this topic regardless of whether the student knows anything about it.
I have experienced this type of model many times in high school. Some teachers I had would not care to listen to anything the students had to say. They would think everything that they said was correct. I think this model has more negative aspects rather than positive. You might be able to learn something but it’s not the most effective and long term method of teaching.

My art story

My definition of art is a way of expressing yourself. Art cannot be only one type of thing or genre. A painting is just as much as art as a piece of poetry. Art can be used to express your thoughts and imagination. Whatever you can’t speak out about, you can use art to portray those feelings for you.

Music and clothing is the type of art that is embedded into my life. I listen to music a lot and it syncs with my emotions. When I’m happy, I listen to more upbeat songs. When I’m sad, I tend to just listen to ballads and music with a slow tempo. I wear a hijab and so my hijab/fashion is another art that I use to express myself. It shows a lot about what I like and what I’m comfortable with.

How to post a blog

Posting a blog for the first time is tricky business. Well, you’re in luck because I’m here to guide you on how to post your first blog. Follow these simple steps and you will be fine.

Step 1: Log into your Commons account.

Step 2: Go to “Art 1010 Fall 2018 9:30 AM” and click on the little word that says “site.”

Step 3: If you go to the top of the page, you will notice a plus sign with the word new next to it. Click on that.

Step 4: After clicking on it, you will be redirected to a page where you can add a new post. Write your title and start from there.

Step 5: If you wish to add media, there is a button that will let you add the media you want.

Step 6: After writing everything you wanted, look in the right side of the page where you see “categories.” Click on the “9:30 AM Class” option. Below that is the option of putting tags. You can add the tag you wish to add.

Step 7: You are now done with your post and can now publish it.