Unit 1 covered basic learning styles and systems of analysis that are conducted in the study of art. To truly appreciate art, a student should be a part of a classroom that engages in critical pedagogy, so that everyone in the classroom can truly learn together. Friere’s learning style leads to students being more active and gaining more independence than the classic learning style. This increased engagement leads to art students feeling more connected to the education they’re getting and develop more of a passion and memory for the concepts. An example of a concept that can be retained faster from this learning style is formal analysis. Formal analysis is the study of a work of art by breaking down and identifying its physical, historical, and meaningful features. Although it is presented in a very formal way, this skill should become second nature to an art student who is tasked with the duty of analyzing art. Practice and input from this student through the critical pedagogy system will develop this second nature at a fast rate within the individual. I’m refreshed to know that I am learning within a classroom where I can be treated as an equal and asked to analyze all of the different ways art is meant to effect its audience. Being treated as lesser and only analyzing art through one lens would become boring and disinteresting.