Blog Post 3: Pedagogy and Power,

Palo Fiere was born in Brazil in 1921.  As a child he lived a life of poverty. however he managed to get into school and get multiple degrees. He ended up teaching Portuguese and studied law as well.  In 1946 he was the director of the department of education and social services. Education and the way it was implemented was very important to Fiere.

The banking Model to Fiere was a form of teaching in education. In this form the teacher/ professor stands at the front of the room and is the only one allowed to speak,  while all the students silently listen to what the professor has to say. The professor has all the power in this scenario because it is implied that the teacher has all the ” wisdom” while the students have nothing of value to contribute too the class. Fiere believed strongly in the banking model because of of his work in education led him to believe strongly in the ” traditional” model of education. The banking model puts students involved in it at a huge disadvantage. Some people don’t learn my being a sponge and just soaking up what someone else has to say. Some learning needs to be interactive. Furthermore the professor may not know everything in the world and at times may need to be corrected as well.

I have A lot of experience with the banking model, as most of my education has been attained through this model. every since first grade all the way to being a senior in high school, a teacher would tell us all we should know to pass a class or a test. I am relatively well acquainted  with the model from young. so learning in the banking model wasn’t a challenge. I do appreciate my teachers giving me the knowledge they had to share with me. However, there were some circumstances in which  I know that an interactive classroom would’ve helped me learn better. unfortunately that opportunity was rarely available.

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