Art is often perceived as something that is too subjective to be real. People who pursue art careers are seen by the majority of society as unrealistic and immature. Art is something that is able to reach into the deepest parts of the human soul and express, with or without words, something that is hard to express. Growing up, I was always someone who was interested in the art of storytelling, no matter the medium. Whether stories are told through movies, music, tv shows, books, or video games, I’ve always been passionate about them. Physical art like painting and sculptures never captivated my interest as much as other art mediums, but does share a lot in common with them and therefore has my appreciation. What is simple to one person may be deep and introspective to another. Art represents the human soul in a way nothing else does. It represents differences, similarities, beliefs, passions, thoughts, and perceptions. I have written short stories in the past and now am focusing more on music and film. Art, although often thought not to be, is very important to the growth of a society and is something that I’ve always wanted to pursue.

Matthew, I wholeheartedly agree with you in that I also share a very common passion in not-so-physical aspects of art such as music, books, and video games. Personally, music is the ultimate art form for me, as it is able to evoke the strongest of emotions from humans. Other than evocation of emotion, music is also able to connect human beings on a spiritual level that no other form of art was and is ever going to be able to. Your interest in and publication of short stories is also very fascinating to me, as I used to write a handful of short stories myself in my middle school and early high school days. I am very interesting to share such commonalities with you, and hope that this class will expand both of our artistic scopes.