My Art Story

When art comes to my mind it draws either a blank image or a classical drawing iv’e seen before but never bothered to learn its deeper meaning. Art was never an active or even passive role in my life . It was just a reminder for one of those activities that I just wasent good at for I didn’t see any use of it at the time. It only took one year to completely change my view on art. Just randomly I had a picture in my mind of the most beautiful image I ever thought of. Without thought, I took a pencil and attempted to draw the most ugliest image known to mankind. Constantly over and over I would draw it not out pride or wanted to accomplish something, but to simply draw. I failed miserably of course but I learned a valuable lesson about art and its mysterious ways.

The pencil is a ruthless teacher and you can only learn not by what it says but by what monstrosity it created. It gave me a new perspective in life looking at images and pieces of artwork and working out, how they get from Step one to Step one hundred. Just like anything in life art for example can mean nothing, but one day whether by coincidence or not suddenly it appears as a substance that yearns to be used and expressed. Hopefully in this class ill learn what history was like for people living many decades or even centuries ago and what they depicted in their perceptive lenses. Also this is the first class of art I’ve taken since elementary school, so everyone needs to start somewhere!


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