Blog 1 – How to Post

Creating a blog post can be a daunting task for someone who perhaps is not very tech savvy, or has never done so before. However, it is actually a very simple taskĀ  to complete that requires a few short steps.

Step 1: The very first thing you will need to do, is register for a CUNY Academic Commons account.

Step 2: Once you are registered, sign into your CUNY Academic Commons account, and select the group that you are part of.

Step 3: At the very top center of the page will be a plus sign with the word “New” next to it. Click it, and it will take you to the page where you will actually write your post.

Step 4: Create a title for your post in the smaller box towards the top, and begin your post right underneath in the larger box.

Step 5: Once you have finished your post, you can add any media such as pictures ,by clicking the button towards the top that says “Add Media”. You may upload your own files, or select media from the Media Library.

Step 6: After adding any desired media, look to your lower right hand side. In the box labeled “Categories”, choose the group you belong to. Right underneath in the box labeled “Tag Sticky”, select the type of assignment it was.

Step 7: After completing steps 1 through 6, you have finally finished your blog post! Look to the upper right hand side, and press the blue “Publish” button.

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