A Post on How To Make a Post

Not everyone should have the power of knowing how to properly blog. Some people’s thoughts should be tucked away neatly in the back of their head…and stay safely off the internet. However, with Freedom of Speech evidently comes Freedom to Blog.

If you find the task daunting, don’t! It’s done in six easy steps!

Step 1: Log into your profile and go to “My Commons”

Step 2: From there, click on “Art 1010 Fall 2018 9:30 AM”

Step 3: There are tiny words to the left of you, click on the small word that reads “Site”

Step 4:  Look up! There’s a little plus button (+) with the word “New” sitting next to it! Click on that bad boy!

Step 5: You’ve done it! You’re about to embark on your first blog journey! Type in a (not so) witty title and start writing whatever needs to be said!

Step 6: Let your anxiety consume you whole as you click that publish button and boom…your words are out there for all to read! (kind of)

Also be sure to check off the category that states what class you’re in, and if asked add a tag! All of this is seen off to the right.

Technically there’s 7 steps, but now you’re licensed to blog.


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