Blog 3: Pedagogy and Power

Paulo Freire is against the education system which he classifies as the “banking concept of education.” He supports the idea that education should be a more collaboratively where students and teachers work together, instead of the teacher giving lectures and students just recording it. This is more like the teachers just filling up students’ mind with any pieces of information and students have to accept it without questioning it, which is not good for students’ growth. This empowers the teachers, give them authority, and disempower students as it limits them from challenging themselves, asking questions, and think creatively. In my first year of college, I had a professor who would give lectures by reading the textbooks. If you had any questions, he would tell you to read the textbook, it will answer all your questions. Therefore, as a student, it was very difficult to learn because textbooks don’t always provide the explanations you need. Connecting back to Friere’s theory, since there was no collaboration and interactions between the professor and students, it was hard for me to learn anything in this class. I had to use outside sources such as youtube videos and google to learn things, and it felt like an online class. I do agree with Friere’s point, it is important to have interaction between the educator and students in order for students to grow, learn, and think critically.