I commented on Michael DeGennaro’s post named My Art Story.

I commented on Michael DeGennaro’s post named My Art Story.
How to blog post in easy, simple steps!
Step 1: Log onto your Cuny Academic Commons account or go to your class site and on the upper right hand corner, log in through there.(https://art1010shawfall18.commons.gc.cuny.edu)
Step 2: Click on your class (either 9AM or 11AM) and check the calendar and the due date for your homework. This is shown under the assignments column.
Step 3: On the left side of your screen, click the Add Me option.
Step 4: On the top of your screen now is a plus sign next to the word New. Click on that.
Step 5: Now you are ready to write your post. Choose your title, add your answers to your homework, and don’t forget, include pictures (drag it to your blog screen)!
Step 6: Choose your class in the Category Section and then click on Publish.
You have officially created your blog post! Congrats and Enjoy! – SN
Formal analysis is when a person finds the answers to questions in artwork rather than using outside sources as help. The discovery is the author’s accomplishments and we use the four components to find the message in the artwork.
When we say formal analysis, we are looking at an artwork to understand the authors message. Many people interpret ideas in their own way and that shapes the persons’ interpretation of the artwork. The components of formal analysis are:
The banking model to Friere is a concept of education where students take in and receive information as well as storing it. It is a metaphor that compares students to empty containers that teachers must fill with knowledge. It empowers the educator and disempowers the student to the extent where the student must give back that information on the assessment. The students have to receive the information, memorize the information needed to pass the test at the end of the lesson to then repeating it consistently.
In high school, my junior year math class, my teacher forbid us to take notes and we had to memorize the information he told us at the moment he told his students. It helped very little students, but hurt a lot of us, including me because we had nothing to review when it was time to take the test.
In my senior year music class, my teacher gave us the information we needed through speech, videos and music for the final exam and we all memorized it daily until it was test day. She would review all the terms we needed to know and every specific detail that each one of her students passed the final she gave with high scores and she was very proud of us.
When it comes to art, most people think of paintings, sculptures, ceramics and drawings, but art can also consist of music, dance, film, literature, and photography. When we say art, we picture a product developed that appeals to emotions of the artist.
To me, art is a form used to express desire, feelings, and ideas to the viewers. By creating art, we are sharing to the public what we think, the sentiments we carry, our values, but also the experiences that one has faced. Even looking or glancing at art can bounce ideas, but also give a feeling of understanding between the artist and the viewer.
I fit art into my life any chance I can whether it is through listening to music, water-coloring, watching a movie, going to museums or creating a masterpiece of my own. My senior year of high school, I took a ceramics class which had given me a greater love for art and taught me how art comes in many forms. I made a tile, an owl pot, and a few vases. Some of my work are shown below.
In this class, I would like to learn about the historical backgrounds of artists and their paintings and what led them to become the artists they became.