Michael Cefalo
Final Thesis Statement & images
Thesis Statement- After not only going through several time periods in history throughout the span of the semester but by also going through the exhibits in the met museum, is everything somehow connected in the means to create something bigger?
The end goal of this final paper is to get to the bottom of the ever so lingering question of “if everything we learned about is in some way connected to each other”. Providing not only pictures I’ve taken but pictures we have discussed over the course of the year, we will begin the journey down this conspiracy-driven question and once and for all come to a concrete conclusion to art that spans through a multitude of eras.
Bronze Horse
8th century B.C.
Marble Statue of a lion
ca. 400–390 B.C.
Marble statue of Eirene (the personification of peace)
ca. A.D. 14–68
Early Imperial, Julio-Claudian