In unit 2 we began to look at statues ( MANY STATUES) from ancient civilizations. We started with ancient Mesopotamia and then Egypt as well as Greece and Rome. It was interesting to see the differences in culture between all these lands be conveyed through these intricately sculpted slabs of stone.
In ancient Greece the art that they made was based in humanism. They wanted to express the greatness of man, they did this by sculpting men nude to represent power and pride equal to god. After Ancient Greece we learned about Rome their artwork wasn’t much different then Greece’s aside from a change in color of statues due to material change.
In Ancient Egypt unlike the work of Greece and Rome their work was centered around the many gods that they worshiped. In ancient Egypt there were many gods and they ruled over particular entities like the sun and death and even cows. This was represented in there art which showed the gods and events that they participated in.