SN: Unit 2 Summary

Ancient art refers to art produced by advanced ancient societies cultures such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Each ancient cultures have their own specific art that reflects their society.

Ancient Greek art emphasized the accomplishments and importance of human beings and were made to honor their gods that took human form in sculptures. Much of Ancient Greek art was made of stone or wood and were freestanding. The earliest statues were called kouros where the human stood straight in the sculptures but overtime, they took a more natural and relaxed pose. This new pose consisted of knees bent a little, head relaxed, hips thrust on only one side.

Ancient Roman art included architecture, painting, sculpture and mosaic work and was born from Greek Art. Roman sculptures were of statues, reliefs and sarcophagi arts. Many of these could be seen in daily life such as in public buildings, parks and gardens. Roman emperors had statues made of their honor around cities to remember the cities victories. Romans worked with stone, glass, metals, terracotta, bronze and marble to create their artworks.

Ancient Egypt art did not change much over time when the civilization ruled the Nile for 3000 years. Their art focused on religion where they filled tombs of Pharaohs with sculptures and paintings for their afterlife as well as temples, but there they put statues of gods and paintings as well there. They are famous for their big Great Sphinx of Giza sculpture, but they also carved smaller sculptures using limestone, basalt, ivory, wood and gold. In the tombs, the paintings represented the pharaohs that passed away and were of happy paintings. They carved reliefs into walls and their art considered pharaohs as their gods. In addition, their pyramids were made to protect those who died for a peaceful afterlife.

Similarities: All three ancient cultures art was meant to honor. Ancient Greeks and Ancient Romans honored gods as Ancient Egyptians honored their Pharaohs. Roman sculptures dervived from Greek sculptures and some were even copies. Other sculptures included philosophers, goddesses and successful generals. Both Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman art focused on humanisn, an emphasize on human experiences both psychological and moral and on physical beauty for Greek sculptures.

Differences: Ancient Egyptian art did not focus on humanism, but instead focused on tributes and afterlife. Ancient Greek sculptures were based on original ideas as Roman sculptures were a copy. Romans statues were made up of brightly painted marble as Greeks mostly used Bronze. Ancient Roman statues also focused more on realism as Ancient Greek art focused on idealism. ­­­Ancient Roman art showed more civic pride and were of people who achieved a lot in Rome. In addition, Egyptian art, unlike the other two, focused on symmetry and more on religion as the Greeks focused on philosophy. Egyptian architecture used ornamental stones, adapted styles of painting and their statues were largely proportioned including plump faces and big heads that showed no emotions.

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