unit one summary

In Unit 1, I learned about Freire’s “banking model”. The banking model is an idea of how education and the oppression that the education system/teachers pushes on the new students soaking up what is told. It a concept were I can see it being applied in modern education system and is a useful term to have if I every need to cite about a school related subject. I think that the system now reflects how our education system doesn’t work  with a newer generation of people.

Formal analysis is  analyzing a art piece and trying to identify the subject matter that the artist is trying to convey under the given context. Examining the details to bringing out a better sense of depth through the hues, line work, composition, strokes to make the art work. We analysis theses subtle difference to express the art works

I can’t help that I feel like I am restating what already been said in my other slides so try to rewrite this differently is a challenge. recap is this useful sort of I think I can use it for another school project or as a basis for a claim in the future.



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