When looking at works of art it can be easy to focus on the subject’s iconography rather than its form; however, in a compelling work of art, it’s important to analyze elements such as; scale, color, line, light, composition, and texture, together these elements establish a set of criteria for evaluation, known as formal analysis. Using this form of visual description allows the viewer to ask questions about the artists’ decisions in their piece. Why did they arrange the subjects the way they did? How do the colors interact with one another? Why does the light illuminate this specific subject and not the others? Did they mean to use a pattern of angles throughout the piece? Of course, no interpretation is correct as to what the artist wants us to get from the artwork, but, important to take a second and think critically about every aspect of the piece to fully appreciate it. By using formal analysis, we have the opportunity to look closely at the artwork and try to understand the meaning behind every stroke. In a sense, the purest formal analysis is limited to what the viewer sees and how the eye is led through an artwork to create an engaging visual experience.