Blog post #3: Pedagogy and Power

The banking model that Paolo Friere is refers to the knowledge that students receive are only for filing and storing deposits, meaning that students are expected to sit up straight and act a certain way to accept the knowledge that the teacher is giving them, essentially the teacher has the choice and power to put anything in the minds of students, with the students having no control on what they are learning. Just like banks whose job is only to take what is being deposited to them.

This model is mostly disempowering students at an early age and getting them used to not standing up to authority figures. Friere highlights that fact that since students are thought to sit down and just take what they are giving, that they will become people that won’t stand up to Authority, even if they aren’t treated with respect, they would always have to respect the Authority who acts over them. This type of actions empower the people already in charge as people won’t rebel against them, people like Government officials, Employers and teachers.

Like most students I’ve had most of my life spent within this banking model, where you have a set of rules and the lessons were just copy and paste of one another. This negative experience about the model was the fact that it was boring and basically set everyone up for almost the same or similar boring life, However it’s also positive because it creates order and organization of the population, plus it makes sure the population is quite equal.

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