Blog Post #4: Formal Analysis

When we say a formal analysis we mean a break down of what is really going on in the image being shown and maybe why the piece was made. What is the artist trying to convey? What story is trying to tell? Why did the artist make the decisions he or she made? The components that help us answer these questions are inside and outside of the artwork. Composition and lines are big components to helping us understand the message behind a piece of art. Where things are placed and the lines help draw our eye to what’s most important. It can also help with story telling because it helps us move from one part of the piece to another hopefully in a smooth manner. Color and light also play a big role. Colors can make us feel. If an artist uses a cooler palette we may feel cold or feel there might be some sort of hostility while using a warmer palette might bring out warmer and cozier feelings. Light can show us what the artist wants us to see and shows us what is important. The lack of light, shadows can also show us what the author might want us to think about. Why is this part in the light but why is this other part hidden in the shadows? Also the time and place the art piece was made can tell you a lot about the authors reasoning for why they decided to make their art. Maybe there was a war in their country or some sort of political dispute that spurred them on to make the artwork with a message behind it.

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