Pedagogy and Power

The banking model to Friere is a concept of education. This concept of education defines students as empty vessels that are filled with information by their teachers. The ones who are empowered by this concept are the teachers and educators who deposit information into the empty vessels, the students. On the other hand, the ones that are disempowered by this concept are the students since they essentially know nothing because they are “empty”. The students are the ones who are at loss when it comes to this concept since the students don’t understand what they are taught, instead the take the information they are given, memorize it, and use it to get receive good grades on test but they never truly gain any knowledge.

An experience that I have had with this form of teaching occurred in my honors physics class during my junior year of high school. My teacher would always just have slides full of information and instead of explaining them he would just read what was on the board. However, when he did explain them the majority was still unable to understand the information that we were given. As a result the majority of the class had poor grades, reflecting their lack of knowledge in the subject. Although my experience with the banking model was mostly negative it was also positive in the sense that it taught me and my fellow classmates how to study on our own so that we we would able to understand the information we were given during class.

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