When people talk about art I feel like most people think of the type of art you would see hanging in a museum or plastered on a billboard. To me art is more than that. When someone mentions art I think of drawings, paintings, movies, music, and other things that let people express parts of who they are. Art is not limited to one genre and can encompass many mediums. In my life art is very important. I love to draw and I’ve been drawing since I was about five years old. Digital art is my preferred medium of art. I strive to at least complete one piece I genuinely like per week. Art is very relaxing for me. When I draw I am not thinking about anything. I can let go and let the drawing draw itself. In this class I hope to gain a new perspective on art that I can use to better my art and myself. I also hope to learn more about the history of art and the meanings behind some of the greatest art pieces of the past.

I really enjoyed your post and liked your take on art. I especially enjoyed the part where you say “Art is not limited to one genre and can encompass many mediums” for I too mention this in my art story, I had this misconception that art was one genre awhile back however I now know art is much more and can be found everywhere. Another similarity I noticed was that we both hope to learn more about Arts history.
Nice drawing by the way!