My Art Story

Write up your art story: What do we mean when we say art? What is art to you? How does it fit in to your life? What do you want to learn about in this class?

When we say art, more often than not our minds are flooded with the many, many pictures, paintings, sculptures, etc. that we have seen throughout the years either in school or outside of it.  When we say art what we mean is something, a piece of work using various mediums by someone and labeled upon completion as a piece of artwork. For me, art is more than just the definition and studies of art I have done in previous school years.  Art is a way of life itself that comes in a bunch of shapes and forms, created by someone who has a passion for a particular form of expression.  To me art is the visual representation from hand to the final piece and all the work in between that it takes to get from the idea to the final piece.  Art is also, to me, music-singing or performing with instruments-, dancing and even things like cooking I find to be art as well. Also nature especially, nature is a beauty and plenty of art were based off of nature.


Growing up art had always surrounded me from friends, to just personal interests.  Even from a young age art has always been apart of my life a pretty big part in my development as well.  For both middle and high school, I ended up in art focused studies and by the time of reaching high school even got certifications in adobe photo-shop and passed my art regents giving me my CTE certification.  Although I may not always create often my passion for art has always been present and I suspect it will never go away!  From this class I hope to learn new interesting things that I didn’t explore or learn about during high school art history!

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