Don’t know how to make a post? You have come to the right place! Guide Below.

Not everyone made a blog post before so this can be confusing. Here is an easy step by step guide that will make you look like a professional at it!

Step one: Log onto a computer and open an internet tab.

Step two:  Type this in the search bar.

Step three: Press the 9:30 a.m class!

Step four: Make sure to log in at the top-right corner.

Step five: After logging in, it will take you to the dashboard. On top of the page, right next to where it says the class title (fall 2018 art 1010) there will be a plus sign (+)  and it says new, click that.

Step six: Add a title and type your blog post in the word box given.

Step seven: If you want media to be included right above the word box it says add media. When clicked you can either drop a file inside you would like or select one from your device.

Step Eight: Do not forget to tag it! On the left side, you can add tags. 

Step nine: Lastly, check your work and press publish, which is on the top right corner under the word Help on the page. 

That is how to make a post!

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