Blog Post #3: Pedagogy and Power

The banking model to Friere is a term he used for the traditional educational approach. He stated that students were like containers that teacher put knowledge in. A main criticism was that this technique often was a form of oppression towards the student. In other words while the teacher was active, the students were in fact passive. A simpler way to explain this approach is that often in this tradition teachers educate with monologues completely ignoring the student’s needs.  The banking model empowers the teacher at the expense of the student, because the student regardless of prior knowledge in the subject is completely ignored. The assumption is made that all students are the same, therefore the individual person is non-existent in this model. Often this system involves the sole use of memorization and no other processes.

I think it would be safe to say that almost everybody has seen this approach used to teach. The banking model was especially popular during my elementary school years. I had many teachers that to gain authority rarely allowed student interaction. This was especially popular with the old school military style teacher. In college this is rarely seen, the few times I did encounter this style it was used in lecture halls with over 100 students (but I think that is expected).

Blog Post 2: My Art Story

Throughout history, art has been categorized as a form of human expression through creative methods that often attract the visual senses. In my life, art has taken the backseat for the past four years. But history includes the past, and art has always played an enormous role in my life. Traditionally speaking, my mother always took interest in art and that interest may as well be hereditary because most of siblings have careers based in the art. I of course am one of the few exceptions, rather than fine arts or architecture, I chose psychology. Though I must acknowledge that up until college I went to an Art school in New Jersey which inculcated an intimate passion for art. To simplify, art to me is my heritage and Spanish culture, art to me is a safe haven when I’m stressed. Art to me is the most intimidate expression of emotion a person can expose and everything in this world if we look closely has artistry. My life is surrounded by art, and therefore, whether it be because of my mother or not, art will always have a place in my life. I honestly hope to learn what is already being offered, especially in terms of the origin of art. Where did it first appear? Also, the social aspects, especially how art revolutionizes epocs and eras.

Blog Post 1: How to Post

1)First go into your account on CUNY commons.

2) Then, using the link provided by Prof. Shaw, request permission to enter the private group.

3) Once this is achieved, go to the home page of this group (

4) Finally, when you find yourself at this site, on the top, mid section of the page is the word New accompanied by a plus sign (+New). Hover the mouse over the New and drag the mouse over to the word Post and left click it.

5) Once you are done writing click Publish on the right side of the post page.

6)Congratulations, you officially know how to blog for Art 1010.