Rudolf Adis Blog Post #1: How To Make A Post

In order to create a post, this website offers us two ways to do so. Firstly, one can hover over “+new” at the top of the page and be presented with 3 options in a drop-down menu: “Post”, “Media”, and “Document”. The user will click on “Post”, and will be redirected to a page titled “Add New Post”. The user then enters the title in the “add title” cache, writes the body of the post in the main-body cache, and then has the option to select the category, format, featured image, and tags of the post on the right hand side of the page. Once finished, the user may click on “publish”, located in the upper right hand corner, and thus finish writing and submitting the post.


There is an alternate way to reach the “Add New Post” page. When on the main page of this website, the user may hover the mouse over “Fall 2018 Art 1010 at Brooklyn College” and then click on dashboard, leading the user to be able to see “Posts” on the left corner of the webpage. Once the user hovers over this, he/she will have the option of clicking “add new” and thus bringing him/her to the same “Add New Post” page as in the earlier described method.