How To Post 101

How To Post

  1. Have an Idea  – The idea that you have in your head is your vision and will generally be your guide.
  2. Select a Platform – Selecting a platform helps you during the writing process because you are considering who you are writing for and how best to entertain your audience.
  3. Pick a Title- Picking a title generally helps you have a focus and reference point to what your post will be about. some people like to title their work after they’ve written everything. That is fine as well.
  4. Write Your Blog – Its very important to be expressive as you want when writing your blog. what you write is  a direct representation of who you are and your character. If your post just happens to be an assignment make sure you are tacking all the given prompts in the most unique way possible.
  5.  Post your Blog – After writing everything and making sure you are content with the outcome, you can post your blog for others to see. be on the look out for comments and constructive criticism from others. if you do receive them, make sure to take the comments into account for the next time you post.
  6.  Remember to Have Fun- That’s the ultimate name of the game. If you have fun while posting you know you’re doing something right

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