The banking model is a way Paulo Freire described and critiqued the education system. This model shows a student as an empty container being filled with knowledge by their educator. Freire argued that teachers don’t communicate with the students, they make “deposits” and the students are expected to receive, memorize, and repeat the information. This empowers the teachers because they have the power to instill anything they’d like into the students, but this is at the students expense because they don’t develop a creative process. I’ve experienced this all throughout elementary school and high school. The teacher taught the information and I was expected to spit back their words on tests and essays. It wasn’t completely negative, I learned all of the facts about the subject I learned about and did well on all of my tests and assignments because it was all memorization. Now that I’m in college, I have a say and in most of my classes we have discussions about the topic we are learning about. I enjoy writing creative essays and expressing my opinion.