Humanism define reflects the ideas of people by sculpting of human figures. During a time of change from the focus from gods like deities to the more tangible body structure of the human body. The Greek and Romans ideology of the person and the idea that piece was to convey. compared to the Mesopotamian & Egyptian art.

Mesopotamian sculpture shows a mythical creature with the body of a bull/lion, bird wings and a human. This was mainly a piece that shows a sort of divine protection for royalty and a ode to their gods. Mainly putting this piece art at entrances to “protect” an estate.
Anubis was the god of embalming and the dead. Since jackals were often seen in cemeteries, Egyptians believed that Anubis watched over the dead thus this representation of a godlike being that watch over them. even retaining a human body the jackal head shows more of mythical being the people should fear compared to how jackals are hunters.
Greek and Romans art was most human like. They celebrated the human body and sports that resonated with their ideology during a period of time. Though the sculptures would slowly become more of a personal human idea they still had their gods and a representation of a more perfect body sculpted in marble/bronze and colored , which I can make a connection to the Egyptian pharaoh sculptures. the roman and the Greek being able to use bronze to cast these statues where better suited for these extreme poses and more “advance to be able to make these.