Formal analysis and critical pedagogy are vital because they help analyze and understand artwork. Contextual analysis has us go outside of the artwork to find answers and to understand how the art shapes ideas and values of the one who made it. Formal analysis helps us find answers to questions about artwork without referring to outside sources. By this we can explore visual facts of artwork and the meaning of what the artist includes in their art. There is no pure formal analysis because everyone has a different interpretation of ideas. The main factors of formal analysis are color, line, space and mass and scale. For color, we would look at the characteristics being used and what it represents. The lines help us identify from two dimensional artwork from three dimensional and the display of lights and darks. Lines can be strong or broken up. Space and mass can make the artwork seem as if it has weight or volume and scale is the relative size within the work and viewer. Composition is important because it shows all the elements put together in artwork.
Paolo Friere was famous for his concept Critical Pedagogy. The Banking Model describes that teachers have the higher power in the classroom and the student is responsible for taking in what they are taught. The students are the recieving objects and this model controls their thinking, restricting any creative ways of learning that they have. Friere, with this concept, wanted to create a better world than just a better environment to learn in. It is supposed to encourage individuals to affect change thats more balanced where teachers are equal to students. Students are able to state what they need too and improve their ways of learning.
These concepts matter to me because they tie into my learning, especially as a student. Formal analysis helped me learn how to analyze artwork and I definitley see that I have improved through learning its concepts. Critical Pedagogy is important to me because as a student, I like to create my own learning environment and I learn best through readings and teaching myself. The fact that teachers and students can be equal in the classroom makes classes less intimidating and students will be able to participate without feeling belittled or incompetent .