Blog Post 4: Formal Analysis

Formal Analysis is a form of understanding and deciphering an artistic piece by looking at certain artistic properties. This form of interpretation only relies on what is available in the artistic piece. This includes but not limited to, the formation of the figures, lighting of object, positioning of objects, as well as shading. By looking for specific details in paintings or sculptures it gives a general idea of the techniques and processes the artists of the time created such pieces.  The main components of Formal Analysis is the lines that composes the piece, the space which it takes up, as well as texture. The line part of the piece is that the objects in the piece move your eyes to see specific part of objects. Although it is invisible the artist leaves a invisible bread crumbs trail that is somehow picked up by the viewer. Space can be split into either positive or negative space. The third dimensional spacing gives objects depth which can be used to to depict a certain message of vastness or compactness in a painting. Texture is how rough or soft an object appears when looking at it in a painting. For example a marble table with a smooth surface would be hard and smooth to touch as if we were touching it in reality. Understanding what they did to create their works, is the exact same thing we do to understand other works such as philosophical works and literary pieces.


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